European Sustainability Institute

Exam Quiz Portal

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Total Number: 3062

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Total Number: 3062

List of modules with missing quiz and exams

Programming with CSS

Program Name: Front-End Developer Professional Certificate

Training Expert: Muhammad Azeem

This module is missing a quiz

Please create a new quiz as this is tasked to you

Hybrid / Online / Physical

Programming with HTML

Program Name: Project Management: Professional Certificate

Training Expert: Muhammad Azeem

This module is missing a quiz

Please create a new quiz as this is tasked to you

Hybrid / Online / Physical

Programming with JavaScript

Program Name: Project Management: Professional Certificate

Training Expert: Muhammad Azeem

This module is missing a quiz

Please create a new quiz as this is tasked to you

Hybrid / Online / Physical

Project Management: Professional Certificate

Final Exam for certificate

Please create a new exam for this program

Hybrid / Online / Physical

Front-End Developer Professional Certificate

Final Exam for certificate

Please create a new exam for this program


European Sustainability Institute

An initiative of the European Technology Chamber

Courses & Programs

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