European Sustainability Institute

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Project Management: Professional Certificate Back to all exams

  • Aslam likes to stay ——– home and watching TV shows?

    Marks: 1
    Exam: Project Management: Professional Certificate
    Questions: 5
  • She climbed————–the ladder to paint the wall?

    Marks: 1
    Exam: Project Management: Professional Certificate
    Questions: 5
  • I always prefer to read———-the school library?

    Marks: 1
    Exam: Project Management: Professional Certificate
    Questions: 5
  • The flight to Islamabad leaves ————– 4 pm?

    Marks: 1
    Exam: Project Management: Professional Certificate
    Questions: 5
  • He walked————–the street?

    Marks: 1
    Exam: Project Management: Professional Certificate
    Questions: 5

European Sustainability Institute

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