European Sustainability Institute
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Project Management: Professional Certificate Back to all exams
Select the word with correct spelling
Marks: 1
Exam: Project Management: Professional Certificate
Questions: 10
EditFrom the given group of words, choose the word wrongly spelt
Marks: 1
Exam: Project Management: Professional Certificate
Questions: 10
EditChoose the word with wrong spelling
Marks: 1
Exam: Project Management: Professional Certificate
Questions: 10
Editchoose the word wrongly spelt
Marks: 1
Exam: Project Management: Professional Certificate
Questions: 10
EditFind out the correct spelling (A great writer)
Marks: 1
Exam: Project Management: Professional Certificate
Questions: 10
EditChoose the correct spelling
Marks: 1
Exam: Project Management: Professional Certificate
Questions: 10
EditSpot the correct spelling
Marks: 1
Exam: Project Management: Professional Certificate
Questions: 10
EditFind the mis-spelt word
Marks: 1
Exam: Project Management: Professional Certificate
Questions: 10
EditChoose the word wrongly spelt
Marks: 1
Exam: Project Management: Professional Certificate
Questions: 10
EditFind the correctly spelt word
Marks: 1
Exam: Project Management: Professional Certificate
Questions: 10