European Sustainability Institute

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Programming with CSS Back to all exams

  • The year in which HTML was first proposed _______.

    Marks: 1
    Exam: Programming with CSS
    Questions: 10
  • What should be the first tag in any HTML document?

    Marks: 1
    Exam: Programming with CSS
    Questions: 10
  • HTML is what type of language ?

    Marks: 1
    Exam: Programming with CSS
    Questions: 10
  • Who is Known as the father of World Wide Web (WWW)?

    Marks: 1
    Exam: Programming with CSS
    Questions: 10
  • What tag is used to display a picture in a HTML page?

    Marks: 1
    Exam: Programming with CSS
    Questions: 10
  • What is the full form of HTML?

    Marks: 1
    Exam: Programming with CSS
    Questions: 10
  • HTML uses

    Marks: 1
    Exam: Programming with CSS
    Questions: 10
  • Apart from tag, what other tag makes text bold ?

    Marks: 1
    Exam: Programming with CSS
    Questions: 10
  • How can you make a bulleted list with numbers?

    Marks: 1
    Exam: Programming with CSS
    Questions: 10
  • Fundamental HTML Block is known as ___________.

    Marks: 1
    Exam: Programming with CSS
    Questions: 10

European Sustainability Institute

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