European Sustainability Institute
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English MCQs Back to all exams
If you work really hard, you ________ good score in the upcoming examination.
Marks: 1
Exam: English MCQs
Questions: 12
EditHe devotes much of his time ________ for the future.
Marks: 1
Exam: English MCQs
Questions: 12
EditThe number of friends and family members at the party ________ amazing.
Marks: 1
Exam: English MCQs
Questions: 12
EditBy the time he was thirty, he ________ many tournaments.
Marks: 1
Exam: English MCQs
Questions: 12
EditEven if she _______ them, they wouldn’t have come.
Marks: 1
Exam: English MCQs
Questions: 12
EditIt was raining heavy yesterday, so they ________ out.
Marks: 1
Exam: English MCQs
Questions: 12
EditYesterday she got a call from her old friend, and the friend ________ her the whole story.
Marks: 1
Exam: English MCQs
Questions: 12
Edit_______ students achieve good marks if they study hard.
Marks: 1
Exam: English MCQs
Questions: 12
EditThey have all been friends ________ their first match as a team.
Marks: 1
Exam: English MCQs
Questions: 12
EditIf she was free, she ________ to you.
Marks: 1
Exam: English MCQs
Questions: 12
EditWhen she was in the university, she ________ wake up early in the morning.
Marks: 1
Exam: English MCQs
Questions: 12
EditThey hate it when their football team ________.
Marks: 1
Exam: English MCQs
Questions: 12